Maybe and Yes.

Maybe... Maybe too many Gospel-believing Christians avoided jobs in the political realm for too long. Maybe sometimes they took the jobs, but people-pleasing became their god. Maybe money and wealth destroyed, leaving the image-bearer poorer than ever. Maybe they took their eyes off the cross and let their gaze shift to the flag. Maybe this place is too far gone, the vulnerable so flattened by the trampling of our feet over them. Maybe we logged on to social media frequently while our Bibles became dusty on the bedside table. Maybe we trusted the word of the 'authentic' blogger instead of knowing God's word within our hearts. Maybe we stared at our phones while we walked, instead of locking eyes with the homeless and the abused on the streets. Maybe we lorded titles and party allegiance over the actual Lord of all who died for us to see we need no other allegiance beside Him. Maybe we no longer worship the Creator on His rightful throne, but the created in his oval o...