Coincidence vs. Providence
On the very same weekend that Kristen and I usually attend one of our favorite conferences in the states, there was a conference here in Siguatepeque, just 10 minutes from our house! Many of you know about our involvement in Greek Intervarsity, a Christian ministry for students in Greek houses while attending university (It is also the organization in which we met each other). Every year thousands of students from across the country meet in February to encounter Jesus Christ, and learn to depend on their faith with brothers and sisters in the greek system. The lives of students are transformed at 'Greek Conference.' We have been praying for this conference in joyful expectation of what God would do, but also in sadness that we couldn't be there for the first time since college (we also volunteer there every year). BUT GOD (one of our favorite phrases in the Bible) provided for us to attend a different conference this year. This past weekend North American missionaries f...