Changing Seasons...

Happy Fall! Cool temperatures descend, leaves change color, pumpkins adorn front porches, and the Miele house in Columbus is emptying. In preparation for our departure, we are selling and giving away most of our belongings. It is a bittersweet process, for we know the Bible says: Luke 12:15b "...for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" and yet we still feel the loss of earthly comforts. Our goal is to move back to Chicago with what we can fit in our cars, no moving truck or storage pod required. We are living in the present yet actively preparing for the future. We both continue to work our regular jobs and also seek to gather supporters for our ministry. It is essential to have friends and family lift us up in prayer to God and contribute financially to this work of serving the underserved. We are thankful for our friendships, those who support and love us, and we trust ultimately in God's sovereignty and generosity. Nevertheless,...